Distribution of free sarees to poor labourers and urban and rural poor people living belowthe poverty line at Rajokri Pahari area was carried out on 26th October. Buying newclothes are beyond their imagination and capacity. Navsamaj Welfare Society bringssmiles on their faces by distributing new sarees during Diwali festival. View Image Gallery

“Aptara brightens Diwali with Navsamaj kids” (Food Distribution During Diwali)

Aptara Corporation decided to celebrate Diwali in a different way, as they headed down to meet the under privileged kids of the Navsamaj Welfare Society situated in the Rajokari Pahari, Vasantkunj area of South Delhi. The Aptara team visited the campus and spent quality time with approximately 250 kids. It was an eventful day where […]


Navsamaj Welfare Society conducted a public relations programme where problems and grievances of people at the Rajokri Pahari area were addressed. The poor people of these areas were heard patiently and were assured that their problems would be forwarded to the concerned authorities. View Image Gallery