FOOD DISTRIBUTION AMONG CHILDREN ON 31st July 16 Mr.& Mrs. Debashis Chaoudhury commemorate the sixth anniversary of Late Mrs. Ruma Choudhury (Mother of debasish). Late Mrs Choudhury was very very found of kids and she used to spend quite amount of time with them, She used to ply with them,took good care of those […]

BOOKS DISTRIBUTION TO THE NEEDY CHILDREN On the 23rd July 2016 , Navsamaj Welfare Society distributed text books,Note books and other study materials too there children at their Rajokari Pahari centre, to his till self –confidence in them and encourage them to study better. The function was attened by Shri Rahul Jain (Social Worker),& President […]

FOOD DISTRIBUTION With the help of Mrs. Sharmila Dasgupta And Mr.Sandeep Dasguta on 21st July 2016 Navsamaj Welfare Society is helping the poor and underprevilaged with food and othe basic aminities addition to education for the children provided through formal school and vocational centres. Despite improvement in health since independence, mainutrition remains a silent theat […]

Mahila Silai Kendra Navsamaj Wefare Society proudly started fifthe batch of programme for women under “Mahila Silai Kendra” Under This Programme,women from Rajokari Pahari area will be getting vocational training of stitching and embroidery. Gradually the number of women has started to increases and the are coming out of their homes to learn these vocational […]