New Delhi: NGO “Navsamaj Welfare Society” distributed Blanket among the needy people in the chilling cold on Sunday. Navsamaj Welfare Society Founder & President Arbind Verma said as many as 270 Blankets were distributed to the needy at the local Navsamaj, Rajokari Pahari Centre. This program Mr. Gulshan Arora (General Secretary), Mr. Avinash Verma (Joint Secretary), Mr. Manoj Mahalawat (former councilor Vasant Kunj), Mr. Subhash Sharma (Varist Congress Leader), Mr. Subhash Sharma Kalki, Mr Arvind Paswan, Mr. Hawa Singh, Mr. Dinesh Prasad, Mrs. Pinku Devi, Ms.Shikha Gupta, Ms.Rakhi Kumari, and all the volunteers were present. In the end, Shri Arbind Verma (Founder & President) thanks everyone and said that this social work will be done continuously by Navsamaj, the spirit of service is the aim of Navsamaj.