In the freezing January night of Delhi & NCR when the entire city dons their sweaters, monkey-caps and mufflers with a hot cup of tea . There are few under-privileged who cannot afford even a blanket and die – without a roof or cloth on their bare bodies – to add one more to the count of deaths in North India due to cold wave every year. Now “Navsamaj Welfare Society” were distributed blanket in Rangpuri Pahri On 07.01.2018. 200 Blankets are distributed among the underprivileged men and women. Mr. Arbind Verma ( President), Subhas Sharma (Chairman), Bhai Rajinder,Adv.Gulshan Arora, Naman Arora, Avinash Verma, Uender Sinha, Seema,Bhai subhas kalki,Seema. Sunita Kumari, Pinku and all volunteer present . Shri Arbind Verma Thanks to all guest. |