To relieve the needy people from the cold, blankets were distributed by the “Navsamaj Welfare Society”! Blankets were distributed to about 150 needy people at Rajokari Pahari, New Delhi. All the elders looked very happy after receiving the blankets! Mr. Jag Mohan Mehlawat (Concellor Vasant Kunj), Mr. Rajesh Sejbal, Mr. Naval Sharma, Mr. Uday Jha, Mr. Mukhtyar Singh, Mr. Subhash Sharma, Mr. Sunil Yadav, Mr. Upendra Sinha, Mr. Pramod Kumar, Adv.Gulshan Arora (General Secretary) , Mr. Avinash Verma, Priyanka, Pinku, Meenu and all the volunteers were present in program ! In the end Mr. Arbind Verma (Founder & President) thanked everyone and said that public welfare work will be done with more zeal in future so that the needy people here can be helped!-