Navsamaj Welfare Society today on 08.10.2023. By. Food was arranged for the needy people. All these elderly men, women and children were made to sit in their courtyard and fed to their heart’s content!
Mr. Gulshan Arora (General Secretary), Mr. Avinash Verma (Joint Secretary), Mr. Rahul Jain and family, Mr. Mukhtayar Singh, Mr. Krishna Dev Kapahi, Mr. Devendra Kumar Sharma and team, Pinku Devi, Meenu Devi, Rakhi, Anand Verma, Aditya Verma and all the Volunteers were present in this program Stayed! At the end of the program Sri Arbind Verma Samaj Sebi (Founder and President) thanked everyone and said that all efforts will continue to be made for the welfare of the society.