MOSQUITOES DISBUTION ON 18.09.2016 Dengue virus belongs to family Flaviviridade,having four serotypes that spread by the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes.It cause a wide spectrum of illness from mild asymptomatic illness to severe fatal dengue haemorrhagis feve/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS).Approximately 2.5 billion people live in dengue-risk region with about 100 million new cases each year worldwise. “Navsamaj Welfare Society” is distributed the Mosquitoes Net at Rajokary Pahari on 18.09.2016 to prevent the peoples in this area from Dengue, Malaria and Chikungunya. The program conduscted with shri A.P.Verma (presedint), Gulshan Arora,Avinash Verma, Seema,Rahul Sharma, Chiranjiv Lal,Shatrudhan Prasad,Sunita and mr. Verma thanking all the guests that were present on this occasion. |