Another commendable work done by “Navsamaj Welfare Society” to save people from cold. The Volunteer of “Navsamaj” continues to do social work among the people here. Today, quilts were distributed to needy elderly people in slum area Rajokri Pahari, New Delhi. In this program Mr. Subhash Sharma (Chairman), Adv. Gulshan Arora (General Secretary), Mr.Mukhtyar Singh,Mr. Subhash Sharma {Kalki), Mr. Pramod Kumar, Mr. Uday Jha, Mr. Avinash Verma (Vice Secretary), Pinku Devi, Priyanka, Meenu and all the Volunteers participated! Mr. Arbind Verma (Founder & President) thanked everyone and said that more such social work will be done for the people in future!–