Distribution of free sarees to poor labourers and urban and rural poor people living belowthe poverty line at Rajokri Pahari area was carried out on 26th October. Buying newclothes
Distribution of free sarees to poor labourers and urban and rural poor people living belowthe poverty line at Rajokri Pahari area was carried out on 26th October. Buying newclothes
Aptara Corporation decided to celebrate Diwali in a different way, as they headed down to meet the under privileged kids of the Navsamaj Welfare Society situated in the Rajokari Pa
Children of the poor are not used to receiving gifts at Diwali, or at any other time of the year for that matter. It is a hard fact of their young lives that standards are low, lif
Navsamaj Welfare Society conducted a public relations programme where problems and grievances of people at the Rajokri Pahari area were addressed. The poor people of these areas we
Like every year this, this year too Independence Day celebrations were held at Navsamaj Shiksha Kendra. The celebration began with the hoisting of the Flag by Shri A.P. Verma, whic
Tri-cycles to the needy handicapped persons were also distributed, on August 15th 2014 as part of Independence Day celebrations. These people are from very poor backgrounds and Nav
Giving a uniform reduce school absenteeism. Since the time we started this initiative a few years back, there has been a major reduction in absenteeism from a school attendance and
Navsamaj Welfare Society organized an event for physically challenged persons. The main objective of the event was to assist the needy disabled persons in with three-wheeler cycle
Another batch of Silai Kendra has been started for women at Navsamaj Shiksha Kendra. It fills us with pride and happiness that these women from very poor background have started to