SWEATER DISTRIBUTION ON 31.12.2016 In the freezing December 16 night of Delhi, when the entire city dons their sweaters, monkey-caps and mufflers with a hot cup of tea (which they enjoy holding instead of drinking), there are few under-privileged who cannot afford even a sweater and die – without a roof or cloth on their bare bodies – to add one more to the count of deaths in North India due to cold wave every year. As of 13th January 2011, 159 such under-privileged succumbed to the dance of death this season. With the increasing cold wave in the northern region, Navsamaj Welfare Society has started distribution of for warm clothes to the cold affected poor people of Rajokari Pahari area to mitigate their sufferings.The woolens were distributed among students at about 10.30 am on 31st December 2016 and the eventwas supervised by president Shri A.P.Verma.Navasamaj Welfare Society has been working in the area for last few years on various issues like, child development, women, rural development and especially on child education. |