Recognizing that there are many vulnerable people who are being severely by this unusual weather, Navsamaj Welfare Society has begun blanket and razai distribution to those in need

Navsamaj Welfare Society organised an event to facilitate the distribution of sweaters to the children at the advent of winters. Many students and their families lack the resources

Blanket Distribution program was organized by the Navsamaj Welfare Society. Blankets were distributed to the poor and needy. All the members of society actively participated in the

Like every winter season students at the Navsamaj Shiksha Kendra were provided with winter uniform. Their parents cannot afford new clothing or school uniform for these children. N

Another food distribution event was held at Navsamaj Shiksha Kendra on 22nd November 2015, all the students from the Shiksha Kendra and their families were provided with delicious

Navsamaj Welfare Society initiated a program for women under ‘MahilaSilai Kendra’ in the year 2012. Under this programme, women from Rajokri Pahari area are getting voc

The children, with the help of Mr Gulshan Arora, very enthusiastically took part in the preparations of the festival. Special refreshments were also provided to the children on the

Started with a humble beginning in 2007, Navsamaj Shiksha kendra has come a long way. From an open air class room to well-constructed building, from a handful to over 550 students.