SWEATER DISTRIBUTION ON 31.12.2016 In the freezing December 16 night of Delhi, when the entire city dons their sweaters, monkey-caps and mufflers with a hot cup of tea (which they
SWEATER DISTRIBUTION ON 31.12.2016 In the freezing December 16 night of Delhi, when the entire city dons their sweaters, monkey-caps and mufflers with a hot cup of tea (which they
BLANKETS DISTRIBUTION ON 25.12.2016 There is hard winter season every year in Delhi & NCR, where a lot old single women and old age person die due to lack of winter warm clothi
QUILT DISTRIBUTION AMONG NEEDY PEOPLE Navsamaj Welfare Society distributed quilts among poor and destitute people at Rajokari Pahari. President, Shri A.P.Verma and other eminent pe
CELEBRATION BIRTHDAY WITH UNDERPREVILEGD CHILDREN ON 03.12.2016 Spreading smiles, joy and birthday cake: A group that celebrates birthdays of underprivileged children Imagine growi
DIWALI CELEBRATION WITH UNDERPREVILEDGED CHILDREN. Navsamaj Welfare Sociwty Is celebrated the Diwali With “The Underpreviledged Children” At Their Cntre At Rajoak
MOSQUITOES DISBUTION ON 18.09.2016 Dengue virus belongs to family Flaviviridade,having four serotypes that spread by the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes.It cause a wide sp
EDUCATION MISSION OF NAVSAMAJ Mission Education is a national level programme of “Navsamaj Wefare Society” , which is commited to providing basic education and healthcare  
CELEBRATION OF 70TH INDEPENDENCE DAY 2016 The event celebrated 70th Independence Day fervor and saw all the zeal and enthusiasm in the under privileged children.The objective was t
THERE IS NO EXERCISE BETTER FOR THE HEART THAN REACHING DOWN AND LIFTING PEOPLE UP. A team of Aptara visited Nav Samaj Welfare Society on 13th Aug 2016 to spend some quality time w